Verda Beth Martell


Beth spent the first 22 years of her career in theatre production and education. In 2016, she took her end-user experience to consulting, participating in the design of over 50 facilities for DLR Group | Westlake, Reed, Leskosky. Beth is an active member of USITT and often works with ESTA presenting training for professionals. She was on the team that developed ANSI E1.42, the standard for Orchestra Pit Lifts. She regularly presents on many topics, most notably The Physics of Theatre, and is the co-author of The Physics of Theatre: Mechanics. She is an ETCP Certified Rigger – Theatre and an ETCP Recognized Trainer.

Contact Info

567 E Washington Street
Des Plaines, IL 60016
T 312 500 1305 USA
T 647 556 6017 x213 Canada